How to add a SmartOffer to your Kiosk Flow?
Sometimes when you create a SmartOffer, it won't show on your Kiosk. This tutorial will take you through the steps to fix that
- You will need to make sure that the SmartOffer is made (Click Here for a tutorial)
- Once made, click on the Kiosks module on the left side
- Click on the pencil to the left of the Kiosk Flow you'd like to add the SmartOffers to
- Once the Kiosk Flow is loaded, click on the slide where your promotions will show, usually this is called the 'offers page'.
- On the right side, you will see there is an Offers section under the Design tab. You will want to click the + Add so the SmartOffers show on that page
- When an offer is added, you will see it start creating a list with the following options to the right of the SmartOffers:
- - You can edit the SmartOffer
- - To take that SmartOffer off the list
- - To change the SmartOffer selected
- - Click and drag to change the order of the SmartOffer list
- Once everything is the way you'd like, make sure to click the blue Save. Then click the arrow next to Saved and click on Push to All Devices (This will update the Kiosks so your changes will be shown)
Congrats, you did it!
If this helped, make sure to click the thumbs up or down!
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