Add a Contact to a Group
When adding a new contact or editing an existing contact, you can manually add them to an existing group:
- Do so by selecting from the Select a group dropdown on the New Contact or Edit Contact screen.
- Add contact to as many groups as necessary. Once a contact has been added to a group, you'll see the groups listed in the same area.
- Hover and click on the "X" to remove the contact from that group.
- Hover and click on the "X" to remove the contact from that group.
Manage groups
- All groups can be accessed in the Groups module on the lefthand side of the CityGro portal.
- To Edit a group: Click on the pencil to the left of that group
- You can change the name and/or add a Parent Group (That allows you to create heiarchies of groups)
- To Delete a group: Click on the trash can to the left of that group
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