What is a "Blast"?
A blast is a one-time messaging campaign.
When should I send a "Blast"?
The following are examples of when you would send a "Blast"
- An upcoming event.
- A new product.
- Last second promotion.
- General announcement.
- Really anything that would only need to be sent one time.
How do I send a "Blast"?
Getting There:
- Go to the Blasts Section of the CityGro Portal.
Select the "+ New Blast" button.
- Give the message a name.
Step 1: SmartOffer
Will your message include a SmartOffer?
- For more information on what a SmartOffer is, why you might want to include one and how to create one, visit this help desk article.
- For more information on what a SmartOffer is, why you might want to include one and how to create one, visit this help desk article.
Make your selection:
- If yes, you'll be presented with an option to either select an existing SmartOffer or create a new one. Again, if you'd like to create one, click here.
- If no, you'll simply move onto the next step.
Step 2a: Message Content- Text
First, select what type of message (SMS or Email).
You'll get the chance to either start fresh or from a template.
- There are a handful of global templates in every account — suggestions based on what we've learned after sending millions of messages.
- You can also create and edit your own templates.
It will ask if you want to use a Template, if not, choose 'Use Blank Template'
Let's start with SMS. Consider these points:
You only get 160 characters, so use them wisely!
Don't b afraid to abbr. (Proper grammar can be excused when you only have 160 characters).
Don't b afraid to abbr. (Proper grammar can be excused when you only have 160 characters).
Use the "Insert" button to add SmartText or a SmartLink.
- SmartLink- Allows you to replace a URL with a short, measurable CityGro link. Use this to see how many clicks you've gotten, or even track any users that click the link.
- SmartText- This allows you to dynamically insert customer data fields. Say you wanted to say "Hey Billy" in your message, but obviously only to Billy! You can achieve this by inserting SmartText.
The name of your business must show up somewhere in the text.
- Settings --> Account Settings --> Short Name.
- By default it will show up at the beginning.
- If you type it somewhere else then it will disappear from the beginning like magic!
- If you want a different Business Name, then change the "Short Name."
- To learn how to Add a Short Name into the text content, click here.
Step 2b: Message Content- Email
There are a few things that are required to complete this step.
Choose a template or start with Blank template.
- Must have a subject
- Must have a return address
- Click on the edit icon next to return address if you'd like to edit. In this menu, you'll see:
- Business Name- What name shows up with your email address.
- CityGro Email- An example would be abcstore@mailgro.com.
Forward to Email Address- Where replies go.
- This is where email replies will get sent to.
You will also create your email alias here.
- Rich Text Email (for most recipients)- This is where beautiful emails are created.
- Don't forget uploaded pictures should have a max width of 600 px.
- Plain Text Email (For older email clients + recipients with restrictions)- This is a very plain email and only contains text.
Use the "Insert" button to add SmartText or a SmartLink.
- SmartLink- Allows you to replace a URL with a short, measurable CityGro link. Use this to seehow many clicks you've gotten, or even track any users that click the link.
- SmartText- This allows you to dynamically insert customer data fields. Say you wanted to say "Hey Billy" in your message, but obviously only to Billy! You can achieve this by inserting SmartText.
Before finishing this step, please consider clicking the button on the bottom right that says "Send Test Message." This allows you to send a preview message to your phone/email, and helps you catch some of those pesky little errors that tend to pop up.
Step 3: Schedule

Decide when you want to send this Blast.
- Right now — The message will be placed in the queue as soon as you click "send"
- Scheduled time — Allows you to specify a certain date and time to send the message
* If you select a time outside of normal delivery hours (8:00 AM to 9:00 PM in the sender's time zone), you will see an alert message. This is just to confirm that this is what you want to do. As a general rule, consumers don't react well to being disturbed outside of this window.
Step 4: Select Recipients

By default a text/email will be sent to all "opted-in" contacts. For example you may have 1000 contacts, but only 900 perhaps have given you permission to send them marketing messages. We consider those "opted-in" contacts. This message, by default, will go out to the 900 opted-in recipients.
A Filter will allow you to narrow the recipients of this message, sending only to contacts that match the rules you define. Common rules include the following:
- Last Check-In Time
- # of Check-ins
- # of Loyalty Points
- Created Date
Step 5: Confirmation

This is the last step before a message can be scheduled for delivery. Here are a few steps to consider on this page.
- Preview- Scan through to make sure you approve of the content.
- Recipients- Double check that it is scheduled to go to the right people.
- Schedule- Do you have it set up to go out at the correct time?
- Send/Schedule- Once everything has been approved, click the Send/Schedule button on the bottom right hand corner. Follow any instructions provided to confirm that your message is ready to send.
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