Want to add a new SmartOffer and have it be redeemable from the kiosk?
For details on creating a SmartOffer, click here.
To add an offer to a Kiosk Flow first, log in to your account via the Patch portal.
Navigate to the Kiosks module and find the Kiosk Flow you want to add the offer to.
Once the Kiosk Editor is open, scroll down to the ‘Offers Page’.
On the ‘Page Settings Tab’, under the ‘Page’ section, go to the ‘SmartOffers’ section, and select the ‘Add New SmartOffer’ button.
Locate the SmartOffer you want to include, you can click ‘Select’ for each SmartOffer you want to add from the list of available options on the pop-up window.
Once there are offers added, they will appear listed in the ‘SmartOffers’ section of the settings.
Keep in mind you can edit the ‘Default Offer Image(s)’.
Note: If you are using ‘Loyalty Offers’, then the Loyalty Punchcard will need to be added.
Use the '+ ADD NEW PUNCHCARD' to select the appropriate Loyalty Punchcard for the account at the bottom settings of this page.
Once you are finished adding Offers to your Flow, be sure to deploy this updated version to your device(s).
To learn more about deploying updates to your Kiosk Flow, click here.
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