You can easily view a Contact's Offers directly from their profile.
To do so go to the Contacts Main View and from there find/search for the Contact.
Click the 'person' icon to select and open the Customer Profile window.
By default, you will land on the Activity tab, and to the right, you will see 'Offers'.
Click on the 'Offers' tab.
The 'Offers' tab has three primary sections.
Loyalty Program
Available Offers
Redeemed Offers
Loyalty Program
Within this section, you can adjust loyalty points and/or check in a contact.
To CHECK IN a Customer
Use the purple button in the lower right of this section labeled 'Check In'
To adjust Loyalty Points
You can adjust the Contact's Loyalty Points by either using the +/- function or by typing in the number using positive or negative values.
After editing, you can either Save or Save & Check-In.
*Note: If your account is set up to award points for each Check-In event, then using the Save & Check-In button will then add additional points based on your account settings.
Once saved, you can confirm the new point total in three separate areas:
To view Available Offers
This section will show the status of an offer IF it is currently available for this contact.
IF an Offer is available you have the option to 'Deactivate' or 'Redeem' for the Contact.
If you find that there is an Offer that is missing for this Contact, you have the ability to Activate an Offer right from their profile!
To do so, select the green 'Activate Offer' for this profile in the lower right corner of this section.
Click 'Select SmartOffer'. A dialog will open with a list of SmartOffers to choose from.
From here, you can search for a specific offer, select permissions if your account is part of an enterprise or corporate relationship, select an existing offer, create a new offer, scroll through pages of offers, or edit an existing offer.
Once the offer is selected it will appear with the green tag.
You will need to set the number of redemptions allowed when the offer expires, and the time that the offer expires. Then click 'Activate'. The offer will now show in the Contact's Available Offers section.
You can now Redeem the offer or Deactivate the offer if it was added by mistake.
To view Redeemed Offers
This section will list the profile's history of redemptions.
You can view the Name, Type, and Offer ID as well as the time the Offer was redeemed.
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